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Southfield Kappa Foundation (SKF) has been in existence for over 30 years. Our Mission is to offer
Scholarships, Mentoring and Community Service Programs to Metro Detroit Students and
Communities. The generosity of our supporters and community has made it possible for SKF to award
over $800,000 in Scholarships since our founding in 1991.
Our 2019 operating year was a success, we achieved several of our Program Objectives. We are most
proud of awarding Thirty One Thousand Dollar Scholarship Awards (30) to new and returning scholar-
ship recipients. This year the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many fundraising challenges for SKF.
But thanks to contributions from our Major Sponsors, 500 Club Scholarship Donors, and Southfield
Silhouettes we are still awarding twenty-seven (27) deserving young people with a renewable $1,000
Please review the Summary of SKF Legacy of Achievements below . We want you to be aware of
what the financial contributions and support to SKF has allows us to achieve. And most importantly,
the difference we make in the communities we serve and the students we assist to make college a
little more affordable.
We are asking for you to join with us at this pivotal time in our history to make a donation to
Southfield Kappa Foundation through our “Make A Difference” Campaign. We are hopeful our
29-year Legacy of Achievement will merit your financial support.