Page 116 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 116


                                                    WAY TO GO!

                                                    Carrousel Marisia Mills' son, David W. Mills, was
                                                    presented at the 2023 Jack and Jill Eastern
                                                    Region Teen Conference in New York City.

                                                    David is a graduating senior and will be
                                                    attending college in the fall.  He will major in
                                                    visual arts with a minor in psychology.

                                                    CARROUSESL HAVE FUN
                                                    FOR THE FUN OF IT!

                                                    In December, Carrousels and Carafellas
                                                    celebrated the holiday season at the Blue

                                                    Bell Inn.  Passed starters and drinks before
                                                    a lovely meal and many laughs. We were so
                                                    happy to have the granddaughter of Carrousel

                                                    Binky Seay and daughter/ niece of Columbus
                                                    Carrousels, Lauren Carter-El. What joy it is to be

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