Page 51 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 51

We Have Reason To Celebrate!

          There were


          celebrations and


          moments for

          our Detroit

          Carrousels this


                                                                      Carrousel Monique Dooley was promoted to

                                                                      principal of David L. Mackenzie Elementary-
                                                                      Middle School in July 2022. One of the
                                                                      largest schools serving Pre-K - 8 students
                                                                      in the state, Mackenzie Elementary

                                                                      prides itself on whole child commitment
                                                                      through intentional instruction, technology
                                                                      integration, art, foreign language classes
                                                                      and a variety of athletic programs.

          Carrousel Rozz Griffin MD married the
          love of her life and became Mrs. Samuel
          Williams this year.

          It was a beautiful wedding ceremony followed by a large
          reception held for their respective families and friends.  The

          newlyweds looked beautiful (and in love) as they greeted
          everyone who came to wish them martial blessings. Carrousel
          Rozz and Carafella Sam will continue to stay in Arizona and
          return to Detroit in May.
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