Page 54 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 54
No Siesta Like Now that
Mexican Siesta travel is
safer, some
Carrousel’s National President Terri Moon
of the Detroit
and Carafella Jasper Moon took off for
Mexico where they spent some much-needed Carrousels
relaxation time on the beach and enjoyed
did just that –
beautiful Mexican restaurants. It was truly an
they traveled
enjoyable time for both.
abroad and
made many
All Part of A
Birthday's Work!
Carrousel Teri Jordan celebrated her January
birthday with a 14 day trip to Dubai and Abu
Dhabi where she enjoyed
the desert dunes and all
the luxury shopping the
United Arab Emirates
had to offer! What a
glorious way to spend
your birthday!
Does A Halo Come
With Those Wings?