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We give thanks to the presence of God Almighty. With His grace and guidance,
the author was able to complete the E-book, E-LKPD, learning videos and the 7th grade
English E-Module entitled "Introduce Myself".
The author does not forget to thank Mrs. Prof. Dr. Desak Putu Parmiti, M.S. and
Mr. Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda Sukmana, S.Kom., M.Pd. as the teacher of the Teaching
Materials Development Subject who has assisted the author in working on the E-book, E-
LKPD, learning videos and this E-Module. The author also thanks friends who have
contributed to the creation of the E-book, E-LKPD, learning videos and this E-Module.
E-books, E-LKPD, learning videos and E-Modules provide practical guidance in knowing
things that are around us.
The author realizes there are deficiencies in this scientific work. Therefore,
suggestions and criticisms are always expected for the improvement of the author's work.
The author also hopes that this scientific work will be able to provide knowledge about
things that are around us.
Singaraja, 14 December 2022