Page 5 - April 2017
P. 5

I learned a lot from Matt. He taught me to relax a little  cold, the couch is great and I have an awesome view
        and enjoy life. Smile more, laugh more, have a beer,  of all of the people that I care about and want to look
        play some video games if you want to, sit on the couch  after.”  I  know  that’s  what  Matty  would say because
                                                               that’s what Matty loved to do, he loved to make people
                                                               happy and take care of them. He will still be backing up
                                                               his brothers in blue and always looking after his loved
                                                               ones. Thank you, and I love you buddy.

                                                                       In closing, Matty had a word that he attached to
                                                               anyone and anything that brought him any semblance
                                                               of happiness…“ACES.”  “Dude, the 82  guys we got
                                                               at  the  barracks,  they’re ACES  ... Anna’s  Taqueria  is
                                                               legit ACES for burritos man … Grabbing a day shift
                                                               detail before the eve shift is ACES man … The fact that
                                                               we signed Hightower is ... ACES.”

                                                                       We are better men and better troopers for having
                                                               known him. So let me go on record and officially say
                                                               “Thank you Matty.  All this time, YOU were the one
                                                               who was truly ACES.”

        and relax, and don’t take life too seriously.  We all need
        to enjoy it more like he did. If he saw me right now
        he would say, “Hey man relax, everything is going to
        be fine, I’m in a  great place and the beer is always

                          F r en c h·a n d·E le c t r ic·B l ue·A p r i l·2017·p a g e·5
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