Page 19 - Trooper Summer 2021
P. 19
If Someone You Loved Was Waiting For A Transplant
What Would You Do?
Dear Troopers,
My name is Kathleen McAnulty, and I am the wife of a Trooper . Being married to a police officer is not like being married
to anyone else. Loving a cop means we get to enjoy a whirlwind of emotions that comes with pride every day he goes to
work to serve and protect others, and at the other end of spectrum, the fear of becoming a widow (too early) . But we
happily choose this life, support them and when we have to, we fight for them in public and in our hearts.
Today I fight for my loving husband of 31 years, Thomas McAnulty. He is a Trooper, but most importantly, the one you
want to be - retired!!! Tommy spent over 36 years serving the Commonwealth Of Massachusetts in various assignments
such as the Marine Unit, Framingham Barracks, and on the Governors’ Auto Theft Strike Force/Auto Salvage Unit. Just like
the rest of you , he keeps to himself and refuses to ask for help, but on the flip side, when a citizen or an officer needed
assistance/help, just like the rest of you he felt he couldn’t get there fast enough, no questions asked, blue lights on, I’m
on my way. As a friend and Trooper still on the job told me just recently , “ If I needed help and only had one call to make
it would be to Tommy”.
Tommy is only a few years into retirement and rather than sunning on a
beach or telling stories on a bar stool in Florida, he is fighting end stage
kidney failure. I could certainly go into all the details of this battle, but if I
go too long, I’d have to build in a coffee break.
Bottom line- Tommy needs a kidney, and this could be your opportunity
to have a great story to tell while sitting on that bar stool when you are
Please consider becoming a donor for Tommy. By visiting the Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center Transplant Institute at www.bidmc.
org/kidneydonor, you can learn about being a living donor or begin the
evaluation process and complete the Intake Form. You can also call the Institute directly (617) 632-9700.
If you are not a blood type match, you can still donate through a kidney swap program. For additional information about
this, see (https// ). You would not only be helping to save Tommy’s life, but
another patient in need of such a gift. This can also be facilitated though the BIDMC Transplant Institute.
Please be aware that as a Commonwealth of Massachusetts employee you may take a leave of absence of 30 days in a
calendar year to serve as an organ donor, without the loss of or reduction in pay, without loss of leave to which you are
entitled and without loss of credit for time or service. See MGL Chapter 149 section 33E.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for caring. If you can spare a kidney could you please share one. You only
need one kidney to live a happy, healthy life.
Kathleen McAnulty
Trooper Newsletter Page 18