Page 7 - March 2017
P. 7

that time of the transport. Troopers responded to the     legal limit almost five hours after the crash.
hospital and on arrival, became aware that the suspect
was refusing the drawing of his blood for medical         In January of this year, after numerous defense motions
purposes. The troopers discussed the situation and        to suppress, a three-day jury trial was held. This trial
determined that they did not have what they felt was      included the professional and compelling testimony
adequate evidence to obtain a conviction for OUI in this  of the arresting officer, Tpr. Brendan Cain, 3547, The
case. Summonsing the blood evidence from the hospital     Collision Accident Reconstruction Investigator, Lt.
was now not an option. It was then that the troopers      John D. Pinkham, #2772, and the Forensic Chemist
jointly determined that they would write a search         Hanna Knowles, as well as the emotional testimony of
warrant to obtain a sample of the suspect’s blood. They   the now permanently disabled victim and her family.
subsequently wrote a search warrant and contacted the     At the end of the trial, the suspect was found guilty of
court magistrate. He made the determination that this     OUI Alcohol causing serious bodily injury or death,
warrant needed to be reviewed and signed by the on-       negligent operation of a motor vehicle, and misleading
call judge. Troopers rushed the warrant to the on-call    a police officer. He was subsequently sentenced to
judge’s home, where it was reviewed and signed. Later,    two and one half years in the house of correction with
in the early morning hours, almost five hours after the   six months to serve.
crash, with the cooperation of the medical staff, and
much to the chagrin of the suspect, a sample of the his   In this case, troopers went the extra mile, and it paid
blood was drawn under the compulsion of the search        off. The resulting respect and gratitude of the victim
warrant. This sample was later tested and it showed       and her family were deeply apparent. Great job, Tpr.
that the suspect’s blood alcohol was still well over the  Brendan Cain #3547, Tpr. Ryan Doyle #3584, Lt. John
                                                          Pinkham #2772 and Chemist Hanna Knowles!!!

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