Page 4 - January 2017
P. 4
Accelerant and Explosive Detection
K9 Memorial Dedication
by Lieutenant Daniel G. Richard
On December 7, 2016 after several years of discussion Unit Commander, Detective Lieutenant Paul Zipper
and planning, the vision of former State Fire Marshal kicked off the event, and discussed several key people,
Stephen Coan was finally brought to fruition. Marshal who not only have been critical in the development of
Coan came up with the idea to dedicate an area at the the Fire and Explosion Investigation Unit, but have had
State Fire Academy, to the canines that are partnered key roles in the development of the AK9 program for
with troopers assigned to the Fire and Explosion the State Police Fire and Explosion Investigation Unit.
Investigation Unit assigned to the Office of the State Fire Detective Lieutenant (Retired) Robert Corry then spoke
Marshal. The memorial honors those canines who have about how K9 Hulk, the first AK9 joined the team, and
passed away, those who have retired, those who continue how it was first decided to have canines join the unit.
to work, and those who will join the unit in the future.
Sergeant Paul Horgan then spoke about the current
With the generosity of the State Police Association program, and its value and asset not only to the State Fire
of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Property Marshals Office, but to the State Police and the citizens
Underwriting Association, and the Massachusetts of the Commonwealth. State Police Association of
Department of Fire Services, this permanent Massachusetts President, Dana Pullman discussed the
monument will now stand for all to enjoy. planning of the monument and the financial planning
that had to take place to have the monument made.
State Fire Marshal Peter Ostroskey hosted the
ceremony, and was joined by several dignitaries, Colonel Richard McKeon then thanked everyone
including the Secretary of the Executive for the monument and more importantly, for the
Office of Public Safety and Security, Daniel partnerships the State Police has made with the
Bennett, Undersecretary Patrick McMurray, Department of Fire Services and the Executive Office of
Undersecretary Jennifer Queally, Superintendent Public Safety and Security. Without the partnerships,
of the State Police, Colonel Richard McKeon. the agencies wouldn’t have the success that we do.
F r en c h·a n d·E le c t r ic·B l ue·J a n u a r y·2017·p a g e·4