P. 3


                       All  praise  is  due  to  the  presence  of  Allah  SWT,

               who has given His mercy and grace so that the author

               can complete this book. Shalawat and greetings to the

               Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought changes for

               the better in human life.

                       In  studying  English,  there  are  many  things  you

               need to know first, one of which is the parts of spoken

               speech, or in English, they are called Parts of Speech.

                       Learning about the parts of speech is the first step

               in studying grammar, just as learning the letters is the

               first step in being able to read and write. From studying

               the parts of speech, we begin to understand the use or

               function  of  words  and  how  words  combine  to  create

               meaningful  communication.  To  understand  a  part  of

               speech,  you  must  consider  putting  similar  things  into

               one group or category.

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