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                                                                 The BYU Department of Political
               3    EVENTS &                                     Science, consistent with the aims of

                    PROGRAMS                                     a BYU education, intends to foster

                    Read about the recent events on and          “Lifelong Learning and Service.”
                    off BYU campus.
                                                                 We hope to provide our alumni
               6    PEOPLE                                       with intelligent, thoughtful and

                    Spotlights on students, professors,          sophisticated analysis of important
                    and alumni alike. Hear more about            issues, and to act as a catalyst
                    professor publications.                      for service in our communities,
                                                                 neighborhoods, nations and the world.
             12 POLITICS
                    Read more on San Marino and the
                    concept of trust between nations.                   Connect with us on social media

             13 ENGAGED                                                 @BYUPAS
                    LIVING                                              BYU POLITICAL AFFAIRS SOCIETY

                    Learn how to become more involved
                    with the aims and mission behind                    @BYUPAS        @BYUPOLITICALSCI
                    BYU Political Science.


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                                                                           THE POLITICAL SCIENCE POST | FALL 2019 | 2
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