Page 7 - politicalsciencepost-fall2019
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JOHNSTON Erik Krisle is a director based
Savannah Eccles Johnston is a in Salt Lake City. In this role,
Erik manages Leavitt Partners’
PHD Candidate at Claremont data and analytics team. Mr.
University after a BA at BYU in Krisle also manages primary data
Political Science. Her Dissertation collection efforts and data asset
is on Traditionalist Conservatism management efforts. He also
and Classical Liberalism, and participates in the firm’s study of
the Fusion Era of Conservatism geographic variation in health
(1955-1990) versus the care markets. Prior to joining
Contemporary Era (1991-2019).
Leavitt Partners, Erik founded and
operated a boutique data analytics
RICHARD HARTVISGEN consulting firm specializing in survey research and sophisticated
Richard Hartvisgen graduated statistical and economic modeling for private and public sector
from BYU in Political Science and clients. There he organized a team of experienced analysts
received his law degree from the and academics to consult on a variety of data collection and
J. Reuben Clark Law School. He interpretation projects including a state-based economic impact
has been with Nuskin International model and evaluation tool for health care reform initiatives.
for over 30 years, and has worked Erik received his master’s degree in public policy and bachelor’s
there as General Council, Director degree in political science from Brigham Young University.
of Legal Affairs, Head of Strategic
Planning, and is currently VP of
Global Regulatory Affairs and
General Counsel International.
Kennedy Gerratt is a junior Jake Jensen is a senior and
majoring in Political Science. President of the Political
She grew up all over the east Affairs Society at BYU. He has
coast and moved around pursued a legal studies track
every few years. Her interest as a Political Science major
in politics was first sparked and hopes to attend law school
when her family moved to following graduation in April.
New Jersey and she spent all Jake spent the summer of 2019
her free time going to DC, interning with a lobbying firm
Boston, Philadelphia, and other in Alexandria, VA, where he
historical cities learning about our country’s founding. She learned about special interests and the legislative process.
loves studying American politics, specifically campaigns He enjoys connecting with other students and spending time
and elections. She’s hoping to attend law school after with his wife, Sophia.
graduation and eventually end up managing campaigns.
She really enjoys being a part of the Political Affairs
Society because it helps connect the students at BYU to
faculty and other students who are interested in politics.