Page 6 - Michigan Economic Development Corp 2021 Renewal Information
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Value Story
Blues Value for You!
Medical Vision
Value Partnerships
Take advantage of a more efficient, less costly, higher quality health care system because of BCBSM Value Partnerships with nearly 20,000 physicians and more than 130 hospitals statewide.
Save by bundling your medical and pharmacy coverage through BCBSM.
Provider Savings ($1,691,202) ($441,949) ($29,255)
Provider Adjustments and Pharmacy Rebates ($2,923) ($101,372) $0
Annual Trend* 3.2% 7.4% (0.6%)
*The above numbers do not include a reduction for drug rebates, which, on average, would reduce prescription drug trends by 3%-5%.
Pooling Coverage
Get assistance for your high cost claimants, and level out any price increases with BCBSM pooling coverage.
High Cost Claimant Dollars (Total) ($17,553) ($123,830)
Network Discounts
Our large network and massive membership gives us the leverage to negotiate better rates amongst top performing doctors to save you and your employees more.
Discounts 57.0% 49.1%
Dental and Vision
Make a positive impact on your employees' overall health and your company’s medical expenses through Blue Dental and Vision. Studies show that dentists and eye care providers can be the
first to identify signs of serious health conditions.
MICHIGAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN: January 2021-December 2021