Page 9 - Michigan Economic Development Corp 2021 Renewal Information
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Renewal Development-Detailed Projections

 Renewal Development  Facility  Professional  Prescription Drug  Vision  All Coverage
 Contract Exposures  1,631   1,631   1,631   1,631   1,631
 Approved Charges  $1,660,401   $1,305,509   $900,443   $52,232   $3,918,585
 Value: Provider Savings  ($1,093,895)  ($597,307)  ($441,949)  ($29,255)  ($2,162,406)
 Value: Member Liability  ($5,487)  ($55,227)  ($21,781)  ($1,205)  ($83,700)
 1.  Payment Amount  $561,019   $652,975   $436,713   $21,772   $1,672,479
 Value: High Cost Claims Dollars  ($4,832)  ($12,721)  ($123,830)  $0   ($141,382)
 2.  Payment Amount Less High Cost Claims   $556,187   $640,254   $312,884   $21,772   $1,531,097
 Incurred but Not Reported Claims  $24,862   $19,208   $125   $94   $44,288
 Membership and Benefit Changes during the Experience Period  ($28,302)  ($39,892)  ($32,446)  ($1,157)  ($101,797)
 Value:  Annual Trend  3.10%  3.30%  7.40%  (0.60%)
 Effective Trend  1.0576   1.0613   1.1398   0.9890
 3.  Incurred, Adjusted and Trended Projected Claims   $584,573   $657,542   $319,787   $20,474   $1,582,376
 Value: Estimated Provider Adjustment  ($2,923)  $0   ($101,372)  $0   ($104,295)
 4.  Incurred, Adjusted and Trended Projected Claims Less Estimated Provider   $581,650   $657,542   $218,414   $20,474   $1,478,080
 Large Claims up to Attachment Point  $4,272   $11,247   $109,481   $0   $125,000
 Credibility  $77,984   ($95,308)  ($19,456)  $559   ($36,221)
 Renewal Period Capitation  $0   $0   $0   $0   $0
 Pooling Charges  $110,150   $33,439   $22,175   $0   $165,764
 Projected Retention Expenses  $143,025   $128,040   $38,941   $6,539   $316,545
 Impact of Rate Capping      $0             $0
 5.    Projected Total Expenses for the Rating Period  $917,082   $734,960   $369,555   $27,572   $2,049,168
 Annual Income at Current Rates  $939,880   $666,078   $319,785   $28,220   $1,953,962
 6.  Rate Change for the Rating Period:                                                        Expressed
 as a Percentage Change from Your Current Rates  (2.43%)  10.34%  15.56%  (2.30%)  4.87%

 -Mid-point of renewal projection: 07/2021
 -Mid point of experience period: 09/2019
 -Renewal Experience Period: (Incurred: 03/2019-02/2020),(Paid: 03/2019 - 03/2020)
 -This renewal includes 3.0% for medical commissions
 -Vision rate increase is capped at 0%
 *Renewal Period High Claims Threshold = $125,000
 Some variances may occur due to rounding.

        MICHIGAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN:  January 2021-December 2021
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