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P. 102
Replacing a Sky
A professional photographer can spend a good part of a day waiting for the perfect sky and
weather conditions. Sometimes though, no matter how patient you are, skies will often be washed
out and appear missing due to overexposure. One solution is to take pictures of the sky when it
looks its best, and then use a few techniques to combine two or more images into a new
composited photo.
These technique can be done using Layers, along with the Gradient Mask and Transform tools.
1. Open a photo that needs a new sky. Use any filters needed to enhance the image to better
match the style with the sky you’ll add.
2. Click the + symbol at the top of the Layers panel and choose Add New Image Layer….
3. Navigate to a sky image on your hard drive and click the Open button to add the file to your
document. The layer is automatically named with the filename of the selected file.
4. Once the file is opened, it will obscure the layer below it.
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