Page 16 - Personal Profile Rev
P. 16

Linkedin Recommendations

       “I have known Vinny Doyle since 2000 I met            “Vinny is very reliable and knowledgeable             “I can without hesitation recommend
       him when I was working as an Inspector with           in his profession , he has taken his job              Vincent I have worked under Vincent and in
       the  Health  and  Safety  Authority  \and  then       serious and knows the importance of being             the my early part of my career in safety
       through his work at Lagan where as a                  thorough with the keeping of good records             management Vincent was a great support
       Consultant                                            and consistency in reporting .                        and encouragement to me I always found
                                                                                                                   him a pleasure to work with and he was
                                                             Vinny worked long hours and travelled long            highly professional in all his undertakings
       I was providing Professional Services to the
       Group . Vinny is a very practical and consci-         distances to ensure that my company was               Vincent is hard working very, passionate
       entious  individual  who  is  passionate  about       risk free of any potential problems in regard         and very experienced in all aspects of
       not only health and safety but getting health         to health and safety .                                safety / risk management a great systems
       and  safety  to  work  for  a  Company.  He  is                                                             development person and has vast
       talented at developing tailor made solutions          I would recommend Vinny to any compa-                 knowledge across a complete cross section
       in  relation  to  risk  assessment  and  Safety       ny.”                                                  of industry.”
       Management. He strongly believes in getting
       Senior Management commitment and
       understand  the  importance  of  buy  in  from
       Supervisors and workers.”

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