Page 23 - Personal Profile October 21
P. 23

Developing Safety Cultures

         Vincent  has  successfully  introduced,                 ●   Poster campaigns and training.
         developed and maintained strong “can
         do”  safety  culture  even  where  the                  ●   Introduced  effective  monitoring
         companies workforce had an initial poor                     arrangements, introducing healthy
         health and safety culture.                                  competition  between  departments
                                                                     and  workplaces.    This  produces
         He  improved  culture,  efficiencies  and                   good worker buy-in.
         worker and management  relationships.
                                                                 ●   Communicated  all  policies  and
         This was achieved by successfully:                          procedures to encourage workers
                                                                     to take responsibility.
          ● Encouraging  senior  managers    to
              engage with their workers to build                 ●   Introduce  committee  meetings  to
              strong relationships with them and                     set targets and objectives.
              ensure any complaints were dealt
              with quickly and efficiently.                      ●   Provide  follow  up  support  and
                                                                     coaching to enable teams to meet
          ● Every  level  of  management  to                         the agreed targets and objectives.
              show support to cultural change by
              setting high personal standards.                   ●   Encouraged  companies  to  work
                                                                     towards       ISO      standards       and
                                                                     external Health and Safety Awards.

                                                                 ●   Recognising  individual  workers
                                                                     performance and introduce worker
                                                                     incentive schemes.
            22                                                   ●   Company  news  letter  promoting

                                                                     the benefits of good safety.
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