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The Department of Housing and Urban      
               Development (HUD) has issued a final rule          12/pdf/2017-00178.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               codifying several significant changes to FHA’s     82, No. 8, 01/12/2017, 3619-3623.
               Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program
               that were previously issued under the authority    HUD Issues Correction to Final Rule on
               granted to HUD in the Housing and Economic         Housing Counseling.
               Recovery Act of 2008 and the Reverse Mortgage
               Stabilization Act of 2013, and makes additional    HUD has issued a correction to its final rule
               regulatory changes. The HECM program is            implementing changes to its housing counseling
               FHA’s reverse mortgage program that enables        statute regarding an incorrect amendatory
               seniors who have equity in their homes to          instruction. The correction is effective
               withdraw a portion of the accumulated equity.      01/31/2017. The correction may be viewed at:
               The intent of the Home Equity Conversion 
               Mortgage program is to ease the financial          31/pdf/2017-00255.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               burden on elderly homeowners facing increased      82, No. 19, 01/31/2017, 8811.
               health, housing, and subsistence costs at a time
               of reduced income. FHA’s mission is to serve       HUD Announces Funding Awards for Rural
               underserved markets, which must be balanced        Capacity Building for Community Development
               with HUD’s inherent, as well as, statutory         and Affordable Housing Program.
               obligation under the National Housing Act to
               protect the FHA insurance funds. This              HUD has issued a notice announcing the funding
               rulemaking strengthens the FHA Home Equity         decisions made by HUD in a competition for
               Conversion Mortgage program and codifies           funding under the FY 2016 Notice of Funding
               changes that reduce risk to the Mutual Mortgage    Availability (NOFA) for the Rural Capacity
               Insurance Fund and increase the sustainability of   Building for Community Development and
               this important program for seniors. This final     Affordable Housing Program. The notice
               rule follows publication of a May 19, 2016,        contains the names and addresses of the award
               proposed rule and takes into consideration the     recipients under the NOFA. The notice may be
               public comments received on the proposed rule.     viewed at:
               The final rule is effective 09/19/2017. The final   2017-01-11/pdf/2017-00432.pdf. Federal
               rule may be viewed at:                             Register, Vol. 82, No. 7, 01/11/2017, 3348.
               19/pdf/2017-01044.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.      HUD Issues Notice of HOTMA
               82, No. 12, 01/19/2017, 7094-7146.                 Implementations.

               HUD Finalizes Rule Revising its Freedom of         HUD has issued a notice of implementation for
               Information Act Regulation.                        several of the provisions of the Housing
                                                                  Opportunity Through Modernization Act that
               HUD is issuing a final rule to amend its           impact the Housing Choice Voucher and
               Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regulation       Project-Based Voucher programs, and seeks
               to implement the FOIA Improvement Act of           additional public input on both the implementing
               2016. The FOIA Improvement Act enacted a           requirements in this document and future
               range of procedural issues, including              changes to these programs. The implementation
               requirements that agencies establish a minimum     is effective 04/18/2017. Comments are due
               of 90 days for requesters to file an               03/20/2017. The notice may be viewed at:
               administrative appeal, and codifies the  
               foreseeable harm standard. In addition, this final   18/pdf/2017-00911.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               rule revises a section of HUD’s FOIA               82, No. 11, 01/18/2017, 5458-5473.
               regulations to more accurately reflect statutory
               language. The final rule is effective 02/13/2017.   HUD Issues Notice of Fund Allocation.
               The final rule may be viewed at:

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