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consumer harm. It also describes compliance noncomplex firms (those with total consolidated
management steps supervised entities should assets of at least $50 billion but less than $250
take to mitigate risks posed by production billion, nonbank assets of less than $75 billion,
incentive programs. The bulletin may be viewed and that are not U.S. global-systemically
at: important banks) are no longer subject to the
18/pdf/2017-01021.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. provisions of FRB’s capital plan rule whereby
82, No. 11, 01/18/2017, 5541-5543. FRB may object to a capital plan on the basis of
qualitative deficiencies in the firm’s capital
FRB Finalizes Rule on Regulation A. planning process. Accordingly, these firms will
no longer be subject to the qualitative
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve component of the annual Comprehensive Capital
System (FRB) has issued a final rule on Analysis and Review. The final rule also
Regulation A to reflect FRB’s approval of an modifies certain regulatory reports to collect
increase in the rate for primary credit at each additional information on nonbank assets and to
Federal Reserve Bank. The secondary credit rate reduce reporting burdens for large and
at each Reserve Bank automatically increased by noncomplex firms. For all bank holding
formula as a result of FRB’s primary credit rate companies subject to the capital plan rule, the
action. The final rule is effective 01/23/2017. final rule simplifies the initial applicability
The final rule may be viewed at: provisions of both the capital plan and the stress test rules, reduces the amount of additional
23/pdf/2017-00612.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. capital distributions that a bank holding
82, No. 13, 01/23/2017, 7635-7636. company may make during a capital plan cycle
without seeking FRB’s prior approval, and
FRB Finalizes Rule on Regulation D. extends the range of potential as-of dates FRB
FRB has issued a final rule amending Regulation may use for the trading and counterparty
D to revise the rate of interest paid on balances scenario component used in the stress test rules.
maintained to satisfy reserve balance The final rule does not apply to bank holding
requirements (IORR) and the rate of interest companies with total consolidated assets of less
paid on excess balances (IOER) maintained at than $50 billion or to any state member bank or
Federal Reserve Banks by or on behalf of savings and loan holding company. The final
eligible institutions. The final amendments rule is effective 03/06/2017. The final rule may
specify that IORR is 0.75 percent and IOER is be viewed at:
0.75 percent, a 0.25 percentage point increase
from their prior levels. The amendments are 03/pdf/2017-02257.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
intended to enhance the role of such rates of 82, No. 22 02/03/2017, 9308-9330.
interest in moving the Federal funds rate into the
target range established by the Federal Open FRB Finalizes Rule on Total Loss-Absorbing
Market Committee. The final rule is effective Capacity, Long-Term Debt, and Clean Holding
01/23/2017. The final rule may be viewed at: Requirements.
23/pdf/2017-00613.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. FRB is adopting a final rule to require a U.S.
82, No. 13, 01/23/2017, 7636-7637. top-tier bank holding company identified under
its rules as a global systemically important bank
FRB Finalizes Rule on Regulations Y and YY. holding company (covered BHC) to maintain
outstanding a minimum amount of loss-
FRB has issued a final rule that revises the absorbing instruments, including a minimum
capital plan and stress test rules for bank holding amount of unsecured long-term debt. In
companies with $50 billion or more in total addition, the final rule prescribes certain
consolidated assets and U.S. intermediate additional buffers, the breach of which would
holding companies of foreign banking result in limitations on the capital distributions
organizations. Under the final rule, large and and discretionary bonus payments of a covered
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