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Colorado Bankers Association
               Regulatory Register
               March, 2017

               Agencies Finalize Rule on CRA.

               The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
               (FDIC), Board of Governors of the Federal
               Reserve System (FRB), and Office of the
               Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) are
               amending their Community Reinvestment Act
               (CRA) regulations to adjust the asset-size
               thresholds used to define small bank or small
               savings association and intermediate small bank    Agencies Extend Comment Period on Enhanced
               or intermediate small savings association. The     Cyber Risk Management Standards.
               adjustment to the threshold amount is based on
               the annual percentage change in the Consumer       The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
               Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and             (FDIC), The Board of Governors of the Federal
               Clerical Workers. FDIC is also amending its        Reserve System (FRB), and the Office of the
               CRA Notice requirements to reflect two             Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) have
               technical changes concerning the manner in         extended the comment period on their joint
               which it will receive public comments              notice of proposed rulemaking regarding
               considered in the CRA examination process. The     enhanced cyber risk management standards for
               final rule is effective 01/18/2017. The final rule   large and interconnected entities. The public
               may be viewed at:                                  comment period has been extended until
               02/17/2017. The notice may be viewed at:
               18/pdf/2016-31928.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               82, No. 11, 01/18/2017, 5354-5356.                 24/pdf/2017-01539.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
                                                                  82, No. 14, 01/24/2017, 8172.
               Agencies Issue FAQs on CECL Standards
               and Implementation Process.                        CFPB Finalizes Rule Adjusting Civil Monetary
                                                                  Penalties for Inflation.
               The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
               (FDIC), Board of Governors of the Federal          The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
               Reserve System (FRB), National Credit Union        (CFPB) is adjusting for inflation the maximum
               Administration (NCUA), and Office of the           amount of each civil monetary penalty within
               Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) have issued      CFPB’s jurisdiction. The final rule is effective
               a frequently asked questions document on the       01/15/2017. The final rule may be viewed at:
               Financial Accounting Standards Board’s Current
               Expected Credit Loss (CECL) standard and the       12/pdf/2017-00521.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               implementation process. The FAQs summarize         82, No. 8, 01/12/2017, 3601-3603.
               the new standard, provide initial supervisory
               views regarding the implementation of the new      CFPB Issues Compliance Bulletin on Detecting
               accounting standard, and outline steps banks can   and Preventing Consumer Harm from
               take to prepare for implementation. CECL will      Production Incentives.
               be effective in 2020 for Securities and Exchange
               Commission registrants and in 2021 for all         CFPB has published a bulletin compiling
               others. The FAQs may be viewed at:                 guidance that has previously been given by
                               CFPB in other contexts and highlights examples
               issuances/bulletins/2016/bulletin-2016-45a.pdf     from its supervisory and enforcement experience
                                                                  in which incentives contributed to substantial

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