Page 14 - Timberline Bank
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Communications/PR services
CBA’s public relations role is to continue to
proactively and assertively defend and explain
banking; to respond to media inquiries for the
industry and to maintain relationships with media
and desirable partner organizations.
CBA websites CBA’s flagship website,
serves as a tool for bankers and the general public.
Home to a wealth of industry information and
resources, the website maintains strong visibility. CBA's bi-monthly magazine
Colorado Banker Launched by CBA in 2012, this site focuses on
educating small businesses about lending and helping them secure funding,
via banks and alternative lenders alike.
FinancialInfo,org This site aims to keep consumers financially savvy, from
protecting themselves from identify theft to tips on using credit wisely. This site offers resources to help you tell the story of
your bank and your community – and redirect the conversation about the
banking industry at the grassroots level.
Presence in the media
We speak for our industry and on banks’ behalf, at their request. CBA is a
sought-after resource for local and national journalists and is regularly quoted
or mentioned in news coverage. That’s part of our role to explain banking.
Weekly Newsletter
CBA produces a weekly newsletter with succinct updates on industry news,
pertinent to every employee at your bank.
• Sign up at