Page 9 - Timberline Bank
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Representing you here and in D.C.
CBA has a long and successful CBA 2017 State Lobbying Results
tradition in government Successful: CBA
relations, that includes position (Support) Unsuccessful:
CBA position
numerous state examples, along Successful: prevailed didn't prevail
with a sterling record at the CBA 1.56%
federal level work to support (Amend/Op
and defend banks and effect pose)
positive change. At the state 14.06%
level, CBA has maintained a Successful:
near-perfect record when CBA position
supporting or opposing (Monitor re
legislative proposals. Amendments)
Bills of Interest to Banks
178 167
150 161 157 143 149 Bills per year
125 127 128 CBA analyzed
100 103 and tracked or
50 (support,
0 amend,…
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
National leadership – some examples
• CBA remains a leading voice on the topic of Marijuana and banking
• 2016 Helped author and prioritize the Tailor regulation bill
• 2015 Spearheaded various Congressional efforts on regulatory relief
and capital requirements
• 2014 Chaired ABA/Alliance Regulatory Relief Task Force
• 2010 Lobbying on Dodd/Frank Act
• 1999 Allard amendment re Y2K state law
• 1995 central filing amendment to Farm Bill