Page 25 - Timberline Bank
P. 25
Regulatory relief: Odds and opportunities
Big issues will dominate and opposition remains noisy
• Immigration
• Tax reform
• Obamacare
• Tax policy…
Despite Republican control of both houses, Democrats are powerful and loud
Banking industry must be strategic and opportunistic to succeed in
• Stress customer impact
• Innovative formation of coalitions
• Hard work by banking advocates
Dodd Frank Act
Regulation is killer:
• CBA display on 2,400 page
Dodd/Frank Act
• Others thought we were insane when
we predicted in 2010 that 20,000
pages of regulations would come out of
that (6½’ of paper) picture
• Not all rules adopted and surpassed
24,000 pages
• Expect 30,000 pages when done –
above 8’ ceiling
• All of that is on top of previous
• The cost of compliance and risk of noncompliance are driving factors in small banks
selling to larger ones
• For customers, the rules mean more paperwork, higher cost and less credit availability
• For banks the rules result in more compliance, more cost, more liability, less income,
less customer focus
Pictured left to right: Federal Reserve Act, Glass/Steagall, FDIC Act, Sarbanes Oxley, Gramm, Leach, Bliley, Dodd/Frank Act