Page 28 - Timberline Bank
P. 28

•  Forged proactive resolution of           •  No liability for banks sharing
                           predatory lending (to block future           information re employee fraud
                           bad bills, “proactively defensive”),     •  Blocking access to bank compliance
                        •  Adopted RA9 in challenging                   documents
                           circumstances in good form,              •  Real estate appraisal (exempting
                        •  Exempted banks from no call law,             banks from restrictions)
                        •  Established privacy study TF (to         •  Credit union regulatory procedures
                           block new state privacy laws,            •  Liability exemption re search
                           “proactively                                 warrants and subpoenas
                        •  defensive”),
                        •  Strongest Y2K liability law

                  Major recent ballot initiatives: the fight for banks doesn’t end at the capitol

                   •  Public-owned banks
                          o  State owned bank and/or Local government owned banks
                          o  “Make loans banks won’t make, but not take any risk”
                   •  Fracking – Constitutional amendment – Local control in 2018
                          o  Great impact on many businesses and business attractiveness as a state
                          o  Overturn state preemption of local regulation of banks
                   •  Initiatives with economic impact
                          o  69 – State Single Payer Health Care System, defeated 4:1
                          o  70 – State Minimum Wage, adopted
                   •  Initiatives amending Colorado’s ballot and election laws
                          o  71 – Requirements for Initiated Constitutional Amendments
                          o  107 – Presidential Primary Election - Recreating a presidential primary
                              election in which unaffiliated electors may vote
                          o  108 – Primary Election - Allowing an unaffiliated elector to vote in the
                              primary election of a political party without declaring an affiliation with that

                                                     One example: foreclosure

                       Impact of foreclosure on banks - Bank vs nonbank foreclosures

                         Pre-Meltdown Mortgage                          Pre-Meltdown Foreclosures in CO
                              Lending in CO
                                 banks  Banks                                       Non-
                                 42%     58%                                       banks
   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30