Page 2 - Winter/Spring Activity Guide
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HOW TO REGISTER                          CONNECT WITH US
                                              ONLINE: Download the                        FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM
      3       ADULT SPORTS & FITNESS          DaySmart Recreation                         @pfparksandrec
      4-5     CAMPS                           Member app & create an
                                              account, to sign up or view classes, teams,   RECREATION ADMINISTRATION
      6-7     EARLY CHILDHOOD                 camps, events, and more!            208.773.0539
                                                                                  CEMETERY DEPARTMENT
                                              IN PERSON:Parks and Recreation Administrative   208.777.4478 or 208.773.0539

      9-11    SPECIAL INTEREST                office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00am to   PARKS DEPARTMENT
                                              5:00pm. We are located at the Post Falls City Hall,
      13      YOUTH SPORTS                    408 N. Spokane Street, Post Falls. Cash, credit/  208.773.8147
      14      ARTS & CULINARY                 debit cards, check or money order.  URBAN FORESTRY
                                                                                  208.457.3315 or 208.773.0539
      14-15   COMMUNITY EVENTS                PHONE-IN: Credit cards only - (208) 773-0539  FIND A PARK:
                                                                                  Park amenities search tool available
      ON THE COVER:  Q'emiln Park, Community Forest, Post Falls

     To provide exceptional parks, services, facilities and recreational opportunities to our customers and   SPORTS LEAGUE DETAILS:
     the citizens of Post Falls.                                                        Due to administrative fees involved,
     CALENDAR OF YEAR-ROUND SPORTS                                                      an 80% refund will be made if a
                                                                                        participant withdraws from a sports
     YOUTH - AGES 3-15
     SEASON           SPORT                        REGISTER            SEASON STARTS    league at-least 1 week prior to the
     Winter           Basketball - Recreation      November 1          January          coaches meeting. No refunds will be
     Spring           Soccer, Flag Football, Volleyball   January 15   April            issued after this time.
     Summer           Baseball                     May 1               July             We are unable to honor requests for
     Fall             Soccer, Flag Football, Volleyball   July 1       September        specific coaches, to be on teams
     Fall             Tiny Hoopsters Basketball    August 1            October          with friends, carpool requests, etc.
     Fall             Competitive Basketball League   August 1         November         Our recreation sports are a great
     Fall Tournament   Competitive Basketball Tournament   August 1    November         opportunity to make new friends,
                                                                                        experience different coaching styles,

     ADULT SPORTS - 16+                                                                 and explore a variety of sports in a fun
     SEASON           SPORT                        REGISTER            SEASON STARTS    environment.  Siblings are guaranteed
     Year-Round League   Volleyball/Women's        Nov 1 ,Feb 1, May 1, Aug 1   January, March,   to be together so long as a note is
                                                                       July, October    placed  at  the  time  of  registration.
     Spring League    Kickball/Co-ed               January 15          May
                                                                                        Sponsors are guaranteed to have
     TOURNAMENTS                                                                        their children on the sponsored team.
     Winter           Wild Turkey Dodgeball/Co-ed   October 1          November         Coaches are guaranteed to have their
     Winter           Holly Jolly Women's Volleyball   November 1      December         children on their teams; limit two
     Spring           Notorious Dig Women's Volleyball   February 1    April            coaches per team.
     Fall              Pumpkin Bowl/Men's Flag Football   August 1     October
     •  A class may be canceled if it does not reach the minimum for enrollment. Register early to help ensure the class or activity you are interested in will run.
     •  Download the DaySmart Recreation Member App to register and keep up with your activities.
     •  Have you lost (or found) something recently in a Post Falls Park, or while attending a parks & recreation program? If so, please let our office know by calling

       (208) 773-0539
     •  Q’emiln Park (pronounced KA-MEE-LIN) It’s a Native American word and means “Throat of the River” or “Mouth of the River”
     •  Dogs are allowed in some Post Falls Parks while on leash. To view a list of those parks, visit
     •  SPLASH PADS to Open Memorial Day Weekend and close Labor Day Weekend Hours of Operation 10:00AM - 8:00PM
     •  BOAT LAUNCH– Q’emiln Park boat launch opening varies each year. Avista sets the dates depending on water levels, the weather and the effect on the dam

       and public safety. The launch generally, re-opens in the late spring or early summer and typically closes mid-November.

     •  City of Post Falls Residents – Receive 1 FREE Q’emiln Park Season Car Parking pass per household. For more information call the Parks & Recreation Office at
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