Page 8 - Winter/Spring Activity Guide
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OUTD                      O     OR

      RECREA                             TION

     Ages: 7 & up                                              Ages: 13-18
     Instructor: Coeur Climbing Staff                          Location: Upper Corbin Field, 567 S. Corbin Road, Post Falls
     Location: 764 S. Clearwater Loop, Suite 101               Learn the proper technique of shooting a bow, the etiquette of safety and
     Embark on an adventure to new heights with our "Climbing Basics" class.   rules of archery. This class will focus on proper body position, bow position,
     Sign up now to master fluid movement, grip techniques, and precise footwork   and shooting accuracy. We will conclude our class with a fun competition. All
     in both roped climbing and bouldering. Led by seasoned professionals,   equipment is provided. Recurve bows and youth arrows are used. ***Please do
     you'll learn essential safety measures, climbing knot tying, and harness   not bring your own equipment.
     use. Registration includes all gear, instruction, and a progressive climbing   Min. 5/Max. 9   4 sessions
     experience—ideal for beginners and those seeking a refresher.   DAY  DATE      TIME             FEE
     Min. 4/Max. 12     3 sessions                             Tu      4/8-4/29     5:45-6:30pm      $66
     DAY        DATE          TIME               FEE
     Sa         1/11-1/25     10:00-12:00pm      $156          FAMILY CAMPING MADE EASIER
     Sa         2/8-2/22      10:00-12:00pm      $156          Location: Kiwanis Park, 4176 Weatherby Avenue, Post Falls
     Sa         3/8-3/22      10:00-12:00pm      $156          Want to get outside and camp again, but not sure how the kids fit into it?  This
     Sa         4/12-4/26     10:00-12:00pm      $156          course will cover ways to modify your approach to camping outdoor with the
                                                               whole family.  From backpacking into the mountain lake to parking the trailer
     SILVER MOUNTAIN SNOW TUBING                               at your favorite campground.  Kids change the way we camp, skip the trial and
     Ages: 4 & up (under 18 must be accompanied by a participating adult)  error and learn from experts who have already survived.
     Location: Meet at Post Falls City Hall, 408 N. Spokane St, Post Falls  Min. 4/Max. 10   1 session
     Registration deadline: January 9                           DAY    DATE         TIME             FEE
     Silver Mountain. The snow tubing hills! Pack a lunch and leave the driving to   W  4/16  5:30-6:30pm  $22/Family
     us.  Fee includes round-trip transportation, the gondola ride, snow tube rental
     and 2 hour tubing sesson.
     Min. 15/Max. 15   1 session
     DAY     DATE     TIME          FEE
     F       1/24     9:30-2:30pm   $44 Adult/$41youth
     Ages: 7-12
     Location: Upper Corbin Field, 567 S. Corbin Road, Post Falls
     A basic class in target archery, this course requires no prior knowledge
     or experience and covers all the basics of target archery, safety, rules and
     proper shooting techniques through fun games and activities. All equipment
     is provided. Recurve bows and youth arrows are used. ***Please do not bring
     your own equipment.
     Min. 5/Max. 9        4 sessions
     DAY     DATE         TIME             FEE
     Tu      4/8-4/29     3:45-4:30pm      $66
     Tu      4/8-4/29     4:45-5:30pm      $66
     Th      4/10-5/1     3:45-4:30pm      $66
     Th      4/10-5/1     4:45-5:30pm      $66

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