Page 33 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
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係,有系統地學習聖經真理並操練屬靈生 在此四十週年之際,允許我用以下
命的成長。 這個小組使我有諸多美好的回 幾點來互勉:
1. 為著基督的使命繼續前進
候, 才驚訝地發現已經是凌晨一點鐘了! 2. 高舉耶穌基督的名,使基督可以在凡
沒有人抱怨,每個人都被聖靈充滿, 興奮 事上居首位
的期待上帝來改變我們的生活及在教會中 3. 藉著上帝的話語和聖靈的大能,建造
的服事。 通過這個小組,長執及弟兄姊妹 上帝的國度
4. 熱切盼望耶穌基督-我們信心的創始
/Reverend Edward Choa
ina and I would like to congratulate Formosan Presbyterian Church Orange
County (FPCOC) on your 40th anniversary! May the Lord continue to sustain
you all with His grace.
FPCOC will always have a special place in my heart. It is my first church ministry
experience in the United States. It was evenly spent in both English (3 1/2 years) and
Taiwanese (3 1/2 years) ministries as an Associate Pastor.
It was extremely challenging for my whole family trying to acclimate to the American cul-
ture. Even more challenging is pastoring the English ministry without the said cultural
tools. Thanks to the English ministry leadership, they helped reduced the learning
curve. After 3 1/2 years, the church session migrated me into the Taiwanese ministry.
I vividly remember the church overflowing with worshipers each Sunday. We didn't have
enough parking spaces. We even negotiated and rented space at the commercial building
adjacent to the church for adult Sunday school. I call it growing pains.
Satellite ministries were started by members and exiting ministers in different parts
of Orange County. Eventually, the number of worshippers dwindled causing the leader-
ship to think of change. And change started when members of the session attended
the Purpose Driven Church Conference at Saddleback Church. A new excitement
started to brew within the leadership and among the members. The Lord also allowed
me to pursue my Doctor of Ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary focusing on Chris-
tian Spiritual Formation.
A Bible study and prayer meeting was started on Wednesday mornings. It was a
hard sell. Some felt it was a quixotic plan. But we started getting together and it still
meets every Wednesday morning. The purpose of which is to study the Bible book by
book and to pray together for each other and the ministry at hand.