Page 3 - Maintenance Course Catalog_MT
P. 3

Purpose                                    Key Talking Points
               The Maintenance Course Catalog a resource guide     It  is  important  to  begin  Knowledge  and  Gap
               for Managers that links new associate learning plans   Conversations with your associate on a positive
               with scheduled Knowledge and Gap Conversations.     note. To help certify that a consistent message is
               The catalog is a living document that will be updated   being discussed, below are process highlights.
               as more courses are vetted and become available.
                                                                      •  ILP’s provide the next steps needed to
               The purpose behind the ILP is to create value and         grow, this strategic plan is not for
               focus for an associate to grow in a specific skill set.   disciplinary purposes.
               Building  a  skilled  associate,  bench  strength  and   •  ILP’s solve for the missing link in the
               growth  paths  enhance  our  ability  to  achieve  key    performance evaluation process by
               results.                                                  providing a personalized plan to enhance

                                                                         an associate’s skill set.

                                                                      •  Courses which managers wish to assign,
                             Tips for Success                            can do so via Learning Bridge. If help is
                                                                         required enter a Service Desk ticket.
               Completing  Knowledge  and  Gap  Conversations,
               including  adding  notes  in  Workday,  will  occur    •  All outside Learning Bridge course
               regularly.  The  cadence  of  these  conversations  is    assignments and due dates will be
               outlined in the script document.                          tracked by the associate and Managers.
                                                                      •  Get excited! This program is built
               Crating consistency in the process and trackability of    specifically to identify and fill gaps for the
               associate  progress.  Community  Managers  and
               Maintenance  Supervisors  will  determine  an             associate, based on identified skills that
               associate’s   growth   opportunities   from   the         will help Essex achieve its key results.
               conversations,  observation  of  skills  and  review  of
               Learning Bridge transcripts, then create a plan based   The  commitment  necessary  for  the  program’s
               on available courses in the Catalog.
                                                                   success starts with the Community Managers and
               The  Community  Manager  and  Maintenance           Maintenance  Supervisors. Their  commitment to
               Supervisor  are  responsible  for  the  assignment  of   the  associate’s  growth  and  their  continued
               classes and ongoing communication with associates.    support of the program is key for its success.
               The  Career  Conversations  tracking  in  Workday  is
               provided for this purpose (in progress).

               The L&D team will continue evaluating and adding
               additional courses to meet the needs of our teams.
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