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P. 3

FM Logistic Publishes Sustainable Impact Report

       FM Logistic released its first sustainable impact report in   We have completed installation of solar panels at one of
       November 2019. This report includes animations, videos   our warehouses for the largest industrial manufacturing
       and  infographics  illustrating  the  key  impacts  of  the   company. These solar panels having a capacity of 150
       company's  activity  on  the  economy,  society  and   KW  will  be  used  to  power  up  a  large  warehouse  of
       environment.  It  covers  areas  such  as  jobs,  health,   1,80,000 ft .
       education, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.   In 2020, the company will start using electric vehicles for
       The  report  also  describes  the  measures  taken  by  FM   intra city distribution. The usage of these electric trucks
       Logistic to contribute to a more sustainable supply chain.
                                                              will help in reducing carbon footprint. We are already in
       "Financial  indicators  are  not  enough  to  create  a  true   the  advanced  stage  of  discussions  with  OEMs  for
       picture  of  the  performance  of  supply  chains,"  says   providing suitable vehicles.
       Charlotte  Migne,  sustainable  development  director  at   Efforts are being made across all warehouses to reduce
       FM  Logistic.  "By  measuring  the  positive  and  negative   the use of plastic in packaging by using old shredded
       effects of our activities on the environment and society,   corrugated boxes as filler material and thus, reducing the
       we  wish  to  give  our  customers,  employees  and
                                                              plastic  filler  material.  Also  the  option  of  using  paper
       contractors the information they need to make decisions.   based tape instead of plastic tape for packing is being
       This is a step towards sustainable logistics."
       Next to the report, FM Logistic can provide its customers   FM Logistic India is building its first own facility in Jhajjar
       with specific dashboards showing the impacts from the   which will offer 700,000 ft  once fully ready. As a part of
       activities it carries out for them.
                                                              sustainable development strategy we aim to develop this
       FM  Logistic's  sustainable  programme,  which  was    warehouse  as  LEED  certified  along  with  FM  Global
       formalised  in  2018,  builds  on  three  pillars:  care  for   certification  which  will  be  one  of  the  first  in  India  in
       employees,  the  reduction  of  the  company's         warehousing sector.
       environmental  footprint  and  the  development  of    As a part of our safety-first initiative we recently launched
       sustainable service offerings.
                                                              a  safety  campaign  in  India,  “Project  Sifar-  Zero
       The company's efforts are being recognised. In 2019, FM   Accidents”, which is in accordance with our strict policy
       Logistic received a gold level rating from EcoVadis and a   of safety and accident avoidance. It is committed towards
       B- from CDP, two extra-financial rating agencies. On 25    avoiding workplace injuries due to unsafe acts and/or
       November, FM Logistic received the Special Jury Prize for   conditions and aims for Zero Accidents at the workplace.
       sustainable  development  at  the  "TrophéeDéfi  RSE    Additionally,  the  organisation  is  making  consistent
       2019", a distinction sponsored by the French Economy   efforts towards ensuring that all employees have access
       and Finance Ministry and the Ministry for the Ecological   to good working conditions in terms of hygienic working
       and Inclusive Transition.
                                                              environment,  welfare  facilities,  enough  ventilation,
       SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES - INDIA            adequate lighting, etc.
       As a part of our global strategy , FM Logistic India has also   Diversity in the organisation fosters a more creative and
       been working towards various sustainable development   innovative  workforce.  With  our  efforts  in  2019,  the
       initiatives:                                           number of Women co-workers doubled over last year’s

    From Left to Right: Pénélope Laigo, Charlotte Migne and Romain Chevallet
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