Page 8 - NewsLetter - January 2020 - for Mail Final.cdr
P. 8

Global Case Study - Preventing MSDs

      in the Logistics Sector

                                                                       According to the French healthcare insurance
                                                                       authority  (Assurance  Maladie),  1  out  of  3
                                                                       workplace injuries and 3 out of 4 registered
                                                                       musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in France are
                                                                       related to manual handling in the workplace.
                                                                       Manual  handling  in  warehouses  involves
                                                                       lifting, carrying, and putting down parcels and
                                                                       single  products  throughout  the  day.  The
                                                                       activity  can  become  a  potential  workplace
                                                                       hazard  when  an  employee  is  required  to
                                                                       handle  loads  repeatedly  or  because  of
                                                                       unfavourable  working  postures.  To  prevent
                                                                       MSDs, FM Logistic developed and patented the
                                                                       Ergoskel in collaboration with the University of
                                                                       Technology of Compiègne (UTC), France.


       "  The Ergoskel is designed to facilitate the handling
         of parcels weighing up to 25 kg

       "  It is worn like a backpack with adjustments for
         body size and weighs 2.8 kg

       "  The  vest-like  device  consists  of  a  frame  with
         elements  on  the  upper  body,  lower  back,  and
         upper thighs, as well as cables with hand clutches

       "  The  lift-assistance  mechanism  starts  when  the
         picker places his or her hand under the parcel
       "  It takes less than 90 seconds to put on and adjust
         the Ergoskel and 30 seconds to remove it

       "  FM Logistic is trialling 10 Ergoskel devices at five
         of its warehouses in France

       "  A sample of 25 employees of all ages has tested
         the device

       "  85 % of the testers said they were able to keep
         their freedom of movement

       "  The  first  tests  show  that  the  Ergoskel  reduces
         strain on the back and upper muscles by 70%

       FM Logistics plans to implement the Ergoskel across all its facilities.
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