Page 20 - Perspectives Vol.15 Issue 2
P. 20
The New Imperative: Standing in Your Purpose
and Values
Alise Cortez, Ph.D.
The coronavirus pandemic isn’t just a wake-up call; it’s a hard start reboot, likely irreversibly altering the way
we live and work. It’s also kicked us “upstairs” in our consciousness, alerting us for the first time in our history
that we are undeniably one humanity united and dependent on a single planet and on each other. Gone are
the boundaries of nation, language, or religion. We are all in this fight against COVID-19 together. And as we extend our virtual hand across the globe, there is so much we can learn from and appreciate in the abundant diversity
of talent. Now more than ever, we need each other and must stand tall in our purpose and values to effectively respond to the crisis and bring our best to help create the new world order.
The good news is, your purpose and values are at hand. You need only still the swirl of negative emotions like fear, frustration, and worry (all normal responses) to summon and reconnect
with your purpose and values. I had to do the same for myself, and sometimes we all need help or encouragement, which is why I wrote this article.
In my case, I received a phone call about a week into the shelter-in-place
mandate from
a woman who
frequently listens
to my “Working
on Purpose” radio
program. She tells
me she has derived useful
guidance and inspiration from listening, and doing so was part
of her encouragement to launch her new women’s empowerment initiative, which was the subject of the call.
After a short exchange on how we were each faring with the pandemic, she put this direct question to me: “Alise, what are you going to do to help us through this mess?”
My immediate and honest answer was, “I’m off duty. I’m just trying to keep my head on straight and manage my business and care for my daughter.”
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