Page 4 - May 2020
P. 4

Our Spitfire gets an engine!

                 Archiving of the Avro Library

        We are building an on-line library, accessible to the
        public, of everything Avro/Orenda and all of their

        Archiving is a very different activity from anything else at
        the Avro Museum, and especially different from building
        the Arrow  II.  The work is quiet, computer-centered, and
        thoughtful.  Our job is to create a catalogue of
        documents, photos, drawings, books and news articles in
        a searchable database, then to add a scan of each
        document.  In this way, we can tell the story of the
        Arrow, Orenda, the people who worked there and their
        tremendous achievements.   This work is best done away

        from the hustle and noise of our Tuesday volunteer work
        night, so the archiving activities are on Thursday evening.   While we still have a long road to travel to see our
                                                                   Spitfire running, this has certainly provided some
        We need volunteers for a few hours every Thursday          “motive power” for the project. For now the engine
        evening between 5 – 9 pm at the hangar.   One of the       will sit on its engine stand as a center piece for the
        biggest thrills is the opportunity to learn more about the   Spitfire project. This serves to remind all of us what
        Arrow - about the employees, the politics, the company,    work still lies ahead
        the technology. If this sounds appealing then please join
        us.    Please bring your own laptop. The software we use   For starters the engine will require a complete tear
                                                                   down and rebuild before we will hear that
        is accessed through the internet, and you will be taught
                                                                   distinctive Merlin roar.
        what you need to know to help in this work.
                                                                   If you want to be a part of this historic venture
        Please e-mail with the Subject:
                                                                   please follow the link to donate to the Museums
        “Archiving” if you would like more details, or come to the
                                                                   spitfire project:
        hangar on Thursday evening. You will enjoy a fulfilling
        time and pleasant company.                       
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