Page 16 - July2020
P. 16
Letters to the Editor
As always, thank you Tim for another great magazine. They
are so much fun to read and if you are a fan of Canadian
aviation, this should be considered a must-read for
everyone. Well done.
I just have one question: in the poster for joining the RAF at
the back of the magazine, why does the U-41 have a huge
The Hangar Flight Museum is currently in the mast plunked right in the middle of the foredeck? Would
process of finalizing our reopening plans, taking this not slow you down to a crawl while submerged? In
into account the requirements from the addition, it seems to be higher than the periscopes, which
Government of Alberta, City of Calgary, and would hamper the chance of lining up a ship and then
suggestions made by the Alberta Museums yelling "Torpedoes Loossss". Oh well we just have to
Association. We are phasing in our reopening remember that the Germans were ahead at half-time in two
processes, starting out with being open two days wars but ended up losing both in the end.
a week on Fridays and Saturdays – June 5 and
Cheers, Bryan
June 6. We will be expanding upon this schedule
of open days as we can, and we’ll be in touch PPM Replies: Thanks for the very kind words Bryan.
with this information in the future.
In regards to your question, I believe the poster was an early
We are changing our admissions process to be depiction of the “enemy” and the breathing snorkel was
fully online. Timed ticketing will be implemented enlarged to add to the threat of the U-boat. Artist’s
with time slots every fifteen minutes to ensure interpretation would be a good presumption.
our traffic comes in slowly so that we can keep
household groups safely distanced from each
other. We have reduced our capacity with the Good morning Tim:
guideline of one person per 10 metres squared. I just happened to get directed to your FaceBook page and
We will be requiring visitors to use hand sanitizer website from a posting by Nick Servos on the CAHS Toronto
when they first arrive and recommend that they Chapter FaceBook page. I'm glad to have made contact.
wear their own mask during their entire visit. Our Your latest newsletter attracted my attention with the cover
staff will be wearing masks. All visitors must picture of the Piper Cub at the Saskatchewan Museum. I am
answer a health questionnaire when they arrive conducting a research project on Cub Aircraft that were
to ensure that we are keeping everyone safe. manufactured in Hamilton, ON (my birthplace) from 1945
Visitors will move through the museum in a one- until 1948. I will review past issues to see if you've
directional path outlined with custom signage. discovered any of the many Cub Aircraft that were flown
Our cleaning processes will occur more across the Prairies. I also share an interest in model aircraft,
frequently and we are taking precautions such as including paper models. I'm finishing a model of CF-BUO
closing half of our washroom stalls and 101C - the first Cub Aircraft manufactured in October 1945. I
recommending that visitors plan their visit look forward to sharing information in the future.
around not using our public washroomsWe know Stay safe .... Cam
people are eager to return to The Hangar and
Forgotten Cub Aircraft Oublié
we’re looking forward to welcoming visitors
again in a safe way. Our airplanes have been very
PPM Replies: Cam has graciously redone his article on the
WHAT: Reopening The Hangar Flight Museum, Cub aircraft in Canada for Prairie Planes and we are proud to
June 5 & 6 2020. 10am-4pm. Tickets must be present part 2 of the story in this month’s issue.
purchased online
Thank you for working with us on this story Cam.
tickets will be available soon.