Page 19 - July2020
P. 19


      Saskatoon, SK: Today, Saskatoon Airport           The JET AIRCRAFT MUSEUM (JAM) exists to create and
      Authority (SAA) welcomes David Weger as the       maintain a dynamic and living history of the modern age
      new Chair of the Board of Directors, and Susan    Royal Canadian Air Force and to provide permanent honour
      Milburn as the new Vice-Chair. The Saskatoon      for those valiant Canadian men and women who flew these
      Airport Authority is also happy to announce the   aircraft with distinction in periods of war, peace, and peace
                                                        keeping. In short, our mission is to “Preserve, Educate, and
      nomination of two new members, Tara Reichert
      and Tammy Van Lambalgen to its Board of           Soar”.
      Directors.                                        JAM is a not-for-profit organization that has as its primary

      With the addition of these new members, the       purposes the acquisition, display, preservation,
      Board announces the retirement of long-standing   maintenance and, most importantly, providing in flight
      Board members, James Kerby and Russel             demonstrations for the people of Canada now and for
      Marcoux, who have both served on the Board        generations to come.  The JAM mission is to combine the
      since 2011. “Saskatoon Airport Authority has      creation and operation of a museum, housing aircraft,
      benefited from Jim’s unwavering commitment as     historical artifacts, records, and salient memorabilia, while
      Board Chair and Russel’s guidance as the Chair of   simultaneously keeping representative historic aircraft in
      the Audit and Finance Committee over the past     the air whenever and wherever major aviation events are
      two years”, expressed Stephen Maybury,            held across Canada and at appropriate international centres.
      President & CEO of Skyxe Saskatoon Airport.       The Museum offers full voting membership to everyone
      “They have both dedicated a significant amount    interested in preserving Canada’s noble jet heritage.
      of time and effort to our Board over the years    Governance is provided by a Board of Directors and Officers.
      and their leadership and expertise have been an
                                                        The Museum has been granted charitable status by the
      invaluable asset to the Corporation.”
                                                        Canada Revenue Agency.  With this status and our
      The nomination of SAA’s newest Board members      organization’s plans growing daily we continue to seek
      was made public today by James Kerby at its       support through memberships, donations and sponsorships.
      Annual Public Meeting, which was pre-recorded
      and posted to the SAA website due to the
      circumstances surrounding COVID-19. Ms.
      Reichert was nominated by the RM of Corman
      Park and replaces Russel Marcoux. Ms. Van
      Lambalgen was nominated by the City of
      Saskatoon and replaces James Kerby.
      “We are pleased to welcome Tara and Tammy to
      our Board,” states David Weger, newly appointed
      Board Chair. “As we continue to serve our
      community, the professional knowledge,
      leadership and expertise from our entire Board
      will help shape, guide and direct our Airport
      through these challenging times and into a
      brighter future.”
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