Page 6 - November (Remembrance)2020
P. 6

British Commonwealth Air Training Program In Prince Albert

                                                     EFTS #6 Prince Albert

                                              be a more “modern” aircraft for

        The Prince Albert (Glass Field) Airport
        (IATA: YPA, ICAO: CYPA) is located 1
        nautical mile (1.9 km; 1.2mi) northeast
        of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan Canada.

        The airport was originally opened near
        Prince Albert on 22 July 1940 under the
        British Commonwealth Air Training Plan  From March 1941 to 11 November   In 1939, bush pilot Floyd Glass
        as #6 Elementary Flying Training School   1942, the station doubled as No. 6   became a flying instructor at #6
        (EFTS), with a Relief Landing Field   Air Observer School operating the   Elementary Flying Training School
        located near Hagan and one at Emma    Avro Anson.                        in Prince Albert, part of British
        Lake.                                                                    Commonwealth Air Training Plan.
                                              The school closed on 15 November
                                              1944.                              After World War II, he became
                                              Many Saskatchewan resident served   manager of the newly formed
                                              as flight instructors or ground staff   Athabaska Airways.  Under Floyd’s
                                              at this base during this time;  Len   leadership, Athabaska expanded its
                                                                                 fleet of aircraft, introduced the first
                                              Waite, Floyd Glass and George
                                              Greening are to name but a few.    helicopters in Saskatchewan and
                                                                                 began flying scheduled routes in
                                              Also, Squadron Leader Henry
                                               Wallace McLeod, the leading ace of   northern and southern
        The flight school was the first BCATP   the RCAF during WW2 started his   Saskatchewan.
        school to open in Saskatchewan and    flying career here.
        was supplied with the DeHavilland
                                              The airport was then operated by
        DHC82C Tiger Moth, a small tandem 2
        seat biplane.                         the Transport Canada until March
                                              1996 when it was transferred to the
        6 Elementary Flying Training School at   City of Prince Albert.
        Prince Albert was operated under
        contract by the Saskatoon Flying Club.   All that remains of the former No. 6
                                              EFTS are one World War II era
        M & C Aviation, which had a
        government contracts to overhaul RCAF   hangar (now Transwest) and one
                                              parachute packing building. A
        aircraft in the city, employed about 600
                                              monument was erected to pay
        people in Prince Albert alone.
                                              tribute to the 17 airmen and one
                                              civilian who died in training
                                              accidents at the school.

        Later, the school converted to the                                               Original Wind Vane
        Fairchild Cornell which was deemed to
                                                                                          From EFTS #6 PA
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