Page 9 - November (Remembrance)2020
P. 9

Squadron Leader Henry Wallace "Wally" McLeod                    Flight Lieutenant Gordon Wilson
                Nicknames: “Wally”  or “The Eagle of Malta”
                                                                                            Gordon was born on
                                      Born in Regina on Dec. 17,                            December 5, 1917 in
                                      1915, McLeod served in the                            Limerick, Sask..  During
                                      militia’s 5th Saskatchewan                            the late 1920's the
                                      Regiment and Regina Rifle                             family moved to
                                      Regiment from 1928 through                            Regina.  In 1940
                                      to 1934.  After graduating                            Gordon enlisted in the
                                      from the Regina Normal                                Royal Canadian Air
                                      School, Teachers College, he                          Force, but due to
                                      joined the RCAF in Regina on                           limited training
                                      September 2nd, 1940,       facilities the RCAF was unable to take him right away. He
        training at No.2 ITS Regina, 6 EFTS at Prince Albert,    then joined the Signal Corps and the Regina Rifles
        graduating in January of 1941 then moving to No.1 SFTS   Regiment where he trained.  In December 1940, Gordon
        graduating April 1st 1941.  He arrived in the UK on 9 May   received the call from the RCAF to begin training, and
        1941 and was assigned to 132 Squadron from July 21  to   was sent overseas in 1941.
        August 28 , 1941 before transferring to 485 Squadron from
        August 28  through to December 2 , 1941.  Wally was then
        2  to December 23 , 1941 and with the 411 Squadron from  "Air warfare is not like
        moved to 602 Squadron and served there from December
                                                                 hand-to-hand Combat,
        December 23 , 1941 to May 5 , 1942.
        No. 485 Squadron and No. 411 RCAF. By May 1942 he had  it’s impersonal and you
        McLeod began fighter sweeps over France in July 1941 with
        scored five victories. On 13 October 1942 McLeod was     know, they’re going to
        awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.
        Posted to Malta, flying with No.603 Squadron from June 3rd  try and shoot you down,

        1942 to an uncertain date Wally was then posted to the
        1435 Squadron from late June or early July 1942 until    you’re going to try and
        October  26  1942.
                                                                 shoot them down."
        By now a season ace, he returned to Canada in December

        1942.  He instructed at 1 OTU, Bagotville from 12 March
        1943 to 12 January 1944, returning to the UK in January
        1944 in command of the RCAF’s 127 Fighter Squadron, which     In December 1941, his squadron was moved to the RAF
        was soon renumbered as 443 Squadron. He was killed in    where he served as a Spitfire Fighter Pilot in Europe,
        action on 27 September 1944.
                                                                 North Africa, Malta, Sicily and Italy from 1941 through to
                                                                 1945, attaining the rank of Flight Lieutenant.  After the
        For his actions over Malta, McLeod received a Distinguished   war, he returned to Saskatchewan and resumed his
        Flying Cross and bar, and later the Distinguished Service
                                                                 University education.  He also renewed a friendship with
        Order. At the time of his death, he had 20 or 21 confirmed   Marion Coakwell, a girl he had known since 1937. They
        kills, depending on which historical source one consults.
                                                                 were married on December 27, 1947 and shared a
                                                                 remarkable 67 years together.
        The RCAF’s top-scoring fighter ace of the Second World War,   Gordon Wilson passed on Sunday May 31, 2015, at the
        Squadron Leader Henry Wallace "Wally" McLeod, was killed   age of 97.
        in action in a dogfight over Germany.

        For more information, see the book “The Tumbling Sky”
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