Page 13 - November (Remembrance)2020
P. 13

After graduating from the                             The global pandemic
                                     University of Saskatchewan                             has directly affected
                                      in 1942, Howdy MacPhail                               the execution of this
                                       enlisted in the Royal Air                            year’s National
                                     Force, he was shot down on                             Remembrance Day
                                     a mission over Germany but                             Ceremony at the
                                     escaped injury and finished
                                       his tour with 30 flights.                            National War Memorial
                                                                                             in Ottawa.
         When he returned home to North Battleford, he established
                                                                 However, The Royal Canadian Legion is still planning
         McPhail Air Services in 1953. Over the next thirty years, he   for a much smaller yet heartfelt ceremony, which
           grew the business into the biggest spraying operation in
                            western Canada.                      will include a maximum of 100 participants.
                                                                 “The importance of a live ceremony honouring our

                                                                 Veterans and their sacrifices is considered
                                     W. Barry Needham was                                                         th
                                                                 paramount by the Legion, especially during the 75
                                     sent to the RCAF manning    anniversary of the end of the Second World War,”
                                     depot at Brandon, Man..,
                                                                 says Danny Martin, National Ceremony Director. “At
                                     then was posted to guard
                                     duty at the new RCAF        a time when we have all been isolated for months
                                     station at Prince Rupert,   by the pandemic, ensuring the symbolism of the
                                     B.C., which was being built   Legion and community leaders paying homage to
                                     because there was some      our Veterans is more important than ever.”
                                     concern that the Japanese   For the first time, spectators will be discouraged
                                     were going to invade the
                                                                 from attending in person, due to the limited space
                                     west coast.
        Barry's next stop was the RCAF's No. 2 Initial Training School   and requirement to physically distance. The smaller
        in Regina's Normal School, where selections were made for   number of people participating will be required to
        aircrew trades.  After graduation, he was sent to 11 Service   remain 2m apart and will need to wear masks
        Flying Training School (11 SFTS) at Yorkton, where he was   unless performing certain duties related to the
        part of the new school's first class. He graduated June 30 as   ceremony.
        a sergeant pilot.  With a total of 150 hours, they sent us
        overseas, it was just a year after the Battle of Britain and   Anticipated significant changes to this year’s
        they were still short of fighter pilots."                commemoration include:
                                                                       No Veteran’s parade
        Then came July 7, 1944.  It was the day he was shot down.      No Canadian Armed Forces parade
                                                                       A reduced colour party
        He was part of a section that had spotted and strafed a large
        German transport truck and dispatch rider. Barry was pulling     Wreaths pre-positioned such that no wreath
        up from an attack when "a big ball of fire about the size of a   bearers or assistants will be required
        beach ball came up between my legs!"                           No members of the Cadets or Junior Rangers
        All this ended around the 4th or 5th of August, 1944, when   Similarly-scaled back ceremonies will be organized
        the troops of General George Patton arrived in the area.    by many Legion Branches across the country, to the
        Barry was handed over to a U.S. Army hospital unit, then
        bundled onto a DC-3 and flown back to Britain.           best of their abilities given the current restrictions.
                                                                 Please contact your local Legion Branch for updated
        As a former PoW, he could not go back on operations, so he   information as the weeks progress. The Legion’s
        returned to Canada and was assigned to a ferry squadron at   National Headquarters will also continue to release
        Montreal, flying (among other things) Hurricanes into    national updates as more details become available.
        storage. He then was posted to 170 (Ferry) Squadron in
        Winnipeg, helping move training aircraft out of small    The Legion will offer a Facebook Live presentation
        airfields on the Prairies into storage centres.          of the National Remembrance Day ceremony, and
                                                                 additional broadcast plans are under consideration
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