Page 18 - November (Remembrance)2020
P. 18

Pop Out Windows To Put Them on A Second                             Movie Of The Month
        There are a ton of windows when you’re flying.
        Between tower communications, the radar map,
        camera settings, and much more, it’s easy to overload
        your main window with information. Luckily all of
        those windows can be popped out and dragged onto
        another screen!
        Fauna Shortcuts
        For folks who are more interested in seeing giraffes,
        elephants, black bears, or any other animals during
        their flights there’s actually an easy trick to do so.
        When on the world map, just navigate over to the
        search bar and type in “Fauna.” A list will pop up
        complete with a bunch of available options!

        You Can Jump Forward In Your Flights                    On Canadian Wings is a ten episode documentary on the
        At the top of your screen you can open the Travel To            history of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
        tab which shows your planned flight path. If you        Starting from early 1888, Canadian airmen and machines
        really don’t enjoy the cruising stages of a flight, you   have been flying in the service of the British and Canadian
        can very well skip those and travel forward in time.                           forces.
        You can even choose whether or not the game jumps      This series will cover the RCAF from the early beginnings to
        forward into simulated time or keeps the current live                       present day.
        conditions.                                                           Thank you for your service!
        Turn On/Off Assisted Yoke Piloting Assistance
        Depending on how much experience you have in
        flight simulators, you will either want to turn assisted
        yoke piloting on or off. This is basically steering
        assistance, making your controls less sensitive. As an

        incredibly inexperienced player it helped a lot when it
        came to maintaining an angle of attack for increasing
        altitude. Without it my movements were too jerky to
        reliably do so.                                                       Letters to the Editor
        That said, if you are experienced yoke assistance is
        basically equivalent to playing Mario Kart with
                                                               Hi Tim
        steering assist on and anyone can tell you that it can
                                                               I just read the October edition of your magazine and
        severely limit your success.
                                                               loved it.  I found it to be a very interesting and
        You Can Change the Simulation Rate                     informative publication and I feel it will go a long way
        If real time flight isn’t your thing, we don’t blame you.  to energize and unite the aviation community.
        Short flights are easily doable in one sitting, but what   Again Congratulations and good luck in the future
        if you want to fly over the Pacific Ocean without      from someone who has the "aviation disease" and
        jumping ahead. For that you can increase the           loves it.
        simulation rate of the game This essentially speeds up
        everything that happens in the game, making your
        flights go by much faster. The default button on
        keyboard to do this is “R” which you combine with
        the “+” or “-” buttons to either increase or decrease
        the sim rate.
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