Page 17 - November (Remembrance)2020
P. 17

Flight Sim Advice                       Hit PAUSE To Enter Screenshot Mode
                                                               This honestly should have dawned on me earlier, but
        12 Things the Game Doesn’t Tell You
                                                               you can pause the game in more ways than just
        The latest Microsoft Flight Simulator is out and it’s   hitting escape and opening up the menus. If you hit
        seemingly more accessible than ever thanks to Xbox     “Pause” the game will stop completely aside from
        Game Pass. As long as you have about 150 GB of free    your propeller rotating. You can then do whatever
        space and a Game Pass subscription, you can hop in     you’d like. Try different camera angles to get a good
        now and see what the hubbub has been about over        screenshot, look at the environment below, or
        the last decade. That said, this is a simulation and   whatever else you can think of.
        while there are difficulty assists to make things easier
                                                               You Can Download Regions to Save Bandwidth
        on you, there’s still a ton that the game doesn’t      If you’re plagued by slow Internet speeds, head on
        prepare you for all that well. For that reason, we’ve
                                                               over to the options menu. Navigate to general and
        put together some tips to make your first flight that
                                                               select manual cache. This will let you select certain
        much smoother.                                         regions of the game to download, saving you from
        You Don’t Have to Set a Destination                    having to stream the data while you play.
        By default, the game asks you to set a airport of
                                                               Be forewarned that some regions take up a lot of
        departure and your arrival destination. While you      space. All of San Francisco, for example, is about ten
        obviously have to do the former, you absolutely don’t
                                                               Gigabytes. If storage space is a concern, the game
        have to do the latter.
                                                               allows you to specify which areas are downloaded
        Say you just want to fly around Seoul, South Korea.    and in what quality. For example, you could download
        Simply put in Incheon Airport as your departure and    Manhattan in high detail and then decrease the
        hit the fly button on the bottom right. Once you take   quality as you get further away.
        off you’re free to go wherever you’d like!
                                                               There’s AI Control and Autopilot
        You Need a Full Keyboard                               After you’ve taken off, you may find yourself
        Even with a basic flight stick or a controller there are   wondering if there’s a button on the dashboard to
        simply too many buttons required for you to get by     initiate autopilot. There is one on some of the larger
        without a keyboard. Unless you have a super            planes but you might not find it on the smaller
        advanced setup, you’ll be better served by a           propeller planes. You’ll just have to do some looking
        combination of a controller and keyboard.              for it! If you want to do a quick test, the default
                                                               Autopilot On command is ALT + Z. To turn it off use
        Play the Tutorial
                                                               SHIFT + ALT + Z.
        No, really. The game doesn’t make you play the
        tutorial, but if you don’t, you’ll be missing out on a lot  If you want someone to help you get out of trouble,
        of information which helps makes flights easier. You   or if your plane doesn’t have autopilot, you’ll likely
        may think you understand the basics of flight already   need to flick on AI Control instead. You don’t have to
        like how to steer, where to aim the nose of the plane,  leave this on all of the time though. I’ve started using
        how to gain altitude without stalling, etc. But what a   it as a “please help me” card. When things are going
        lot of beginner sim pilots don’t know (like me) is how   wrong, just flick on that AI Control button and the
        define the plane’s default angle of attack so you don’t  copilot will get you back on the right course.
        have to constantly pull up or push down on the
                                                               You Can Skip The Checklists & Radio Interactions
        joystick while you’re cruising along.
                                                               Again, AI Control also gives you the opportunity to
                                                               have your copilot handle the pre-flight checklists and
        To be absolutely clear, if you’re having an issue with  all interactions with the control tower. We highly
        not being able to let go of your joystick without the   recommend you do so if you aren’t interested in
        plane doing something it shouldn’t be, you need to     those aspects of the game. It’ll significantly speed up
        adjust your Pitch Trim.                                the amount of time it takes for you to get off the
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