Page 16 - November (Remembrance)2020
P. 16

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                                                                     Prince Albert Remebrance Day Ceremony
                                                                  The annual Remembrance Day ceremony at the
                                                                armouries has been cancelled.  Instead, the legion is
                                                                    going to do a virtual ceremony from Ottawa.

                                                              Swift Current   Nov. 11   Parade at the cenotaph at 9
                                                               a.m. Service at Comp High School starting at 11 a.m.
        Assiniboia  The 2020 Remembrance Ceremony in
        town will be held at the cenotaph outside of the      Lumsden   The service will be live streamed onto the
        Asaskan Complex starting at 10:30-45 a.m. on          Legion Facebook page : Royal Canadian Legion-Branch
        November 11 with a limited number of people           #234, Lumsden beginning at 10:45 a.m. from the
        allowed to attend.                                    Cenotaph.  There will be no service at the Centennial
                                                              Hall this year.  The Legion would like to thank the
                Regina Remembrance Day Ceremony
                                                              Towns of Lumsden, Regina Beach and the RM of
        Victoria Park will be the site of Regina’s only
                                                              Lumsden, Viliage of Disley and Craven, all the residents
        Remembrance Day service on Nov. 11.                   and local businesses that have supported and continue
        The Regina branch of the Royal Canadian Legion
                                                              to support us.
        confirmed, the service will be held at the Cenotaph
        in downtown Regina.                                   Estevan   Nov. 11   The ceremony will start at its
        There won’t be a ceremony at the Brandt Centre.       traditional time of 10:45 a.m. and will be streamed
                                                              through our Facebook page or through Access
              Saskatoon Remembrance Day Ceremony
                      Time:  09:00 Doors Open
           Details:  The general public is invited to attend a
                                                              Yorkton Remebrance Day Ceremony
         commemorative ceremony and wreath-laying to pay
                                                              The Yorkton legion isn't exactly sure what the service
            tribute to the sacrifices and achievements of
          Canadian Veterans during armed conflict, war and    on Nov. 11 will look like this year, but they are sure
          peace. Ceremony is held inside at SaskTel Centre    there will be one.
                   (formerly Credit Union Centre).             Warman   celebrates Remembrance Day annually with
                      Location:  Sasktel Centre                  the Remembrance Day Ceremony which is held on
                    Address:  3515 Thatcher Ave                November 11th at the Legends Centre.  Join us as we
                   City:  Saskatoon, Saskatchewan              to recognize the contribution our Veterans have made
               Moose Jaw Remebrance Day Ceremony               and to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice
                                                                               on behalf of Canada.
        The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 59 Moose Jaw
        announced that there will be no public

        Remembrance Day Service at Mosaic Place this year,
        and instead, a small service will be held at the Moose
        Jaw Funeral home by invitation only.

        The service will be broadcast on YouTube though for
        those wishing to watch.
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