Page 19 - November (Remembrance)2020
P. 19

61,000 Canadians                        members of the Royal Canadian Legion.

        Almost 61,000 Canadians died during the First World    “November 11 is and should be the most solemn day
        War.                                                   on our calendar,” writes Canadian veteran J.L.
                                                               Granatstein in the Legion’s most recent magazine
        It’s a sacrifice we honour nationwide every 11th day
                                                               issue.  And no place is more likely to get you in the
        of the 11th month as the clock strikes the 11th hour,
                                                               solemn spirit than work or school.
        a time that marked the formal end of hostilities in
        1918. Canada’s commitment to wars since are now        Jokes aside, there’s a compelling argument against
        part of the commemoration too, of course.              making Remembrance Day a holiday.

        It is the greatest expression of respect during the    “If Remembrance Day were to become a statutory
        calendar year, so why isn’t Remembrance Day a          holiday, schools might discard even the perfunctory
        statutory holiday in Ontario?                          observances many do now,” writes Granatstein, who
                                                               believes the occasion should be used as an important
        (Quebec, Nova Scotia and Manitoba also don’t           teaching moment.
        recognize it as such).
                                                               “November 11 can never be allowed to become
        We honour considerably less significant days with a    merely another day off work.”
        day off from work here in Ontario.  Victoria Day
        celebrates a monarch who never even visited Canada,
        Boxing Day literally honours boxes, and Family Day is
        a weak attempt to convince us winter isn’t all that
                                                                             User comment on an article by the National Post
        Let’s think about what we do on those days,            Rob Larman, a director with the War Amps of Canada,
        respectively: eat and drink ourselves to oblivion,
                                                               shares that opinion. “Our stance is that it should
        celebrate capitalism’s grip on Christmas, and
                                                               never be a holiday; you take away the uniqueness of
        probably nothing, because we only remember Family      being able to educate the younger generation of the
        Day is a thing when it’s too late to plan something.
                                                               horrors of war,” he says.
                                                               Remembrance Day is meant to spur respect and
                                                               gratitude on a national level, which is something a
                                                               holiday doesn’t achieve.  We don’t for a second
                                                               commemorate the achievements of workers on
                                                               Labour Day, nor do we express thanks for the
                                                               season’s harvest on Thanksgiving.  They’re merely
                                                               days off; a chance to go shopping at a more

                                Poppies, a symbol of remembrance.   opportune hour.
        If Remembrance Day were a paid holiday, most           Life should come to a two-minute standstill at 11am
        Canadians would treat it as just another recreational   every November 11th – no children laughing in the
        escape.  Would parents take their children to the      schoolyard, no sound of keys entering data into a
        cenotaph as teachers do?  We wouldn’t dare stop        spreadsheet, no high-pitch squeal from the Bambi
        arranging our chia seed pudding on a late, hungover    snapchat filter.
        morning to bow for a moment of silence.
                                                               And that act of remembrance is significantly less
        Hell, would we even be awake by the time the           powerful when the whole day is a standstill.
        bagpipes play?

        A current private member’s bill drafted by Liberal MP
        Colin Fraser seeks to make November 11 a legal
        holiday across the country, an initiative opposed by
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