Page 22 - November (Remembrance)2020
P. 22

First Nation’s crew.  The Chief was setting up camp      Suggested further reading:
        alongside a lake and dispatched me to insert a 
        suppression crew on the “line.”  Knowing a little bit less
        than nothing about fire behaviour; I soldiered onward      Young Men and Fire is a non-fiction book written
        and upwards to the raging head of the fire and placed      by Norman Maclean. It is an account of Norman
        the crew immediately in front of its advance.  A half      Maclean's research of the Mann Gulch fire of
        hour later, back in camp, a panicked radio call came in    1949 and the 13 men who died there. The fire
        from the crew that they had been overrun by the fire       occurred in Mann Gulch in the Gates of the
        and abandoned their equipment and needed rescuing.         Mountains Wilderness on August 5. The book
        An expensive lesson learned.                               won the National Book Critics Circle Award
        Almost 50 years later, having taught fire suppression

        and fought fires in many countries around the world, I
        have a strong respect for this versatile and challenging
        foe.  While there are many kudos and awards that
        follow all of that suppression activity, I know where the
        true accolades belong – with the fire fighters...

        These veterans who fight nature’s oppressive forces
        stand together fighting a menace that kills innocent
        citizens, their animals and destroys their homes and
        livelihood.  These combatants are seldom recognized or
        thanked by the public.  So, at this time when we
        acknowledge those who died in foreign countries let us
        also be thankful for those who stood and faced a fiery
        inferno sacrificing their lives to save us.
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