Newsletter #2
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   Professor Herminio Martínez, Ph.D. Executive Director
 #2 – 2023
 Summer Success Institute is back! It is a month- long academic program held on the Fordham University Campus, provided by The Bronx Institute GEARUP Program. Students will have the opportunity to select from three tracks: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering. Arts, Mathematics), or Humanities. In addition, they will participate in educational field trips around New York, workshops at the Botanical Garden and Wave Hill, and have access to the dining hall at Fordham. This program helps students avoid learning loss in the summer, gives them exposure to what life is like on a real university campus, and encourages them to continue learning during summer break.
• This year, the program will run from July fifth to August fourth, between the hours of 8:00AM – 2:30PM. Spots are filling up quickly and the application deadline is approaching! To apply, speak with your GEARUP Academic Coach or use this link to fill out the application form:
• These interdisciplinary programs are a rare opportunity to explore the garden and develop a deeper, more intimate understanding of the natural world, right here in New York City. Be sure to speak to your GEARUP Coach for more information on this program.
• For more information regarding Bronx GEARUP Programs, please contact Martha Atencio- Bronx Institute Assistant Director:
           Student Resources
Free Mathematics Resources: The Bronx Institute GEARUP Program provides monthly free resources for students. The resources below focus specifically on mathematics.
• VIRTUAL NERD: Free math practice
• THINKING MATHEMATICS: Free mathematics course review and all-in-one study helper puzzles
• HOODA MATH: For interactive math games, options for grades K-12
   Parent Information
Parent links below in order to stay up to date with your students learning journey:
• NYC MySchools Account portal, information, etc:
• Parent Engagement Tips: change/new-from-nea/eight-ps-parent- engagement
• New York State Assessments: What Parents Need to Know: nysed/files/programs/state-assessment/2023- handout-for-parents-3-8-tests.pdf

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