Page 2 - Lehman 50 Years Journal
P. 2
A Few Words
Bronx Institute
Professor Herminio Martinez, Ph.D. – Executive Director
On behalf of The Bronx Institute, I am pleased to welcome you to
the Celebrating 50 Years of Leadership and Education in The Bronx event. We are very proud of our nearly twenty-five year history at Lehman College and the work that we have done to ensure improved academic outcomes among middle and high school students and teachers in The Bronx. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude for the support we have received and continue to receive. This support has allowed us to impact the lives of over 20,000 students during their journey through high school and their enrollment in postsecondary education.
The High School of American Studies
Alessandro Weiss - Principal
The High School of American Studies was founded as a result of a
collaborative effort among the New York City Department of Education, Lehman College, and the Gilder Lehrman Institute for American History. Now in its seventeenth year of operation, the school has become a national leader in humanities education and in preparing pupils for success in college and beyond. The school’s faculty, students, and parents are grateful for Lehman’s unwavering commitment to our mission and for the warm and welcoming home that it has helped us to establish on campus.
Celia Cruz Bronx High School of Music
Jerrod Mabry - Principal
The Celia Cruz Bronx High School of Music is a proud partner with
The Bronx Institute and Lehman College. I want to thank the staff, students and parents that are here today joining us in this celebration. We are honored to participate in the Celebrating 50 Years of Leadership and Education event because of the values of our two partners. Each care deeply about our community and enhancing the education of students in The Bronx. Their support over the past fifteen years has allowed us to work together to foster equity and excellence by providing a twenty-first century education to our students as our school has grown into one of the premier arts high schools in NYC.