Page 4 - The Bronx Institute
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Our Approach
The Bronx Institute provides students with academic resources aimed at helping them graduate from high school, enter college, and prepare for in rewarding careers. Through targeted programming, The Bronx Institute works to increase awareness among students and their families of the college-going process.
Bronx Institute students participate in Saturday, summer and afterschool programs, comprised of rigorous academic coursework, academic advisement, test preparation, and college planning/counseling.
Highlights of Success
Over the past 15 years, The Institute prides itself on a series of significant accomplishments.
Impact on Students
• Bronx Institute students have participated in a total of 1.5 million service hours
• More than 15,000 students participated in Bronx Institute sponsored activities
• Each year, more than 440 students participate in demanding Saturday programs that emphasize pre-college
coursework in mathematics, the sciences, and the humanities
• 100% of students in advanced STEM programs graduate from high school; 99% immediately enroll in
a four-year college or university.
• Regents Examination results data demonstrates that Bronx Institute students performed at a level 10 to
15% higher than their peers.
• In the last year, 3,000 students have participated in educational workshops and explored future vocations
at the American Museum of Natural History, the New York Botanical Garden, and Wave Hill.
Service Hours ByYearfor {
Program 2005-2011
“Committed to Excellence in Education”