Page 7 - NYBG_Celia Cruz_012019
P. 7

the New York Botanical
Garden, we’ve been learning about
different plants and how they affect the
world around us. The plant that stuck out the most to me was the cacao plant, because that’s the plant they use to make chocolate. The best part was walking around and seeing all the different plants. It was really interesting to see how diverse they were. We need to be aware of what’s out there, and it’s a good thing to want to learn more. After all, plants are used for our food, our clothes and even our medicine,
so why not learn more about them?
9th grade
New York Botanical
Garden was interesting. Learning
here has a different atmosphere than learning in the classroom. We learned that the aloe vera plant is used for shampoo, skin lotion and acne cream. This class changed my thinking about the world around us. The things we use every day come from the environment, so it’s important to take care of our surroundings. My favorite part of the class was getting to walk through the Holiday Train Show. It’s fascinating that different things we see every day living in New York are so beautiful
to people who don’t live here.
9th grade
would say this workshop
was adventurous, fascinating and intriguing. I learned about many new types
of plants and their uses. It even influenced me
to think about studying plants in college. The people gave us good tips about plants I may have to use in a survival situation. The most interesting thing was the different scents that plants have. You can cut off one side of a plant and put it on another plant to create a better scent. I really enjoyed drawing and taking pictures of the different plants. This class showed me that city lights are ok, but nature
is awesome!
thought it was really
fascinating when Brian Hockaday
was talking about how he worked in a chocolate plant, and how he extracted chocolate from the cacao plant. The best part of the workshop was walking around, looking at the different kinds of plants and taking pictures of them. They were all very pretty and had different smells. One would smell sweeter than others, and some had more naturalistic scents. If I wanted to get someone to come with me to this class, I would show them
all the lovely pictures I took and tell them that they had to come smell the flowers!
9th grade
really stood out to me was
leaning that each plant has its own descriptions and name. They actually make
the description of the plant before naming it. Plants actually have male and female genders, and some plants are even siblings! Making the aloe vera hand sanitizer was something I haven’t experienced firsthand, so it was interesting to do. The plants here are mesmerizing and beautiful. I just had to preserve them for myself by taking pictures! It was great to experience something like this in person rather than through a textbook.
11th grade
9th grade

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