Page 44 - The Informed Fed--Hearn (edited 10.29.20)
P. 44



                           Understanding FEGLI


                   Now  let’s  get  into  a  more  detailed  discussion  concerning  your
               Federal Employees Group Life Insurance, also known as FEGLI. Life
               insurance is an important component of your benefits package. We have
               found that this is the most misunderstood part of the benefits pro-gram.
               You  need  to  have  a  thorough  understanding  of  this  very  important
               coverage. All career employees can take part in the FEGLI coverage.
               Interpretation of the FEGLI code is the best starting point. This is how
               you determine what coverage you have chosen. Keep in mind that postal
               employees  are  the  only  federal  employees  that  receive  Basic  Life
               coverage at no cost.
                   The FEGLI code begins with the letters IN followed by a number,
               a letter (or number 9) and then a number. The number following the IN
               indicates your age group, and the corresponding rates for each insurance:
                   1 = under 35      2 = 35-39             3 = 40-44
                   4 = 45.49         5 = 50-54             6 = 55-59
                   7 = 60-64         8 = 65-69             9 = 70 and over
               The next letter, or number 9, indicates which options you have elected.
                   A -  Ineligible
                   B - No Benefits
                   C - BL
                   D - BL, A

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