Page 40 - The Informed Fed--Hearn (edited 10.29.20)
P. 40
We can guarantee you one thing for sure, and that is—things are going
to change. Now, that probably doesn’t make you feel any better, but the
fact is, change is a constant. How we deal with change is the real issue.
Do you fear change, or see it as an opportunity to grow; experience
new things and capitalize on the moment? As we start each day, we
prepare for those possible changes that may come our way. The
employee meeting where new announcements are made that could
change the way you are to conduct your business. The evening news
telling us about the changes proposed concerning a city ordinance.
Market news giving us an update on the change in the DJIA and S&P
500 values. The list goes on and on. A bit mind boggling if you think
about it. If you deny change, which is in operation 24/7, you will not be
prepared to deal with change when it inevitably occurs. Face change with
open arms and embrace it. After all, if you do not embrace change, it will
embrace you. No doubt you have experienced change with your benefits.
Ever had any of your TSP funds allocated in the C, S or I fund? Then
you know about change for sure! Adapting to change is a habit well
learned. To stay on top of your benefits you will need to keep pace with
these changes. Rates, insurance premiums and total benefits can change.
We can benefit from change only if we stay away from the fear factor.
Some of the best experiences in our lives have come as a result of major
changes that took place. In most cases we had no control over the
circumstances. We were forced to adapt. Painful at times? Yes, but
rewarding in most. Think of a change you experienced that at first
seemed devastating, then as you adapted to the change, how differently
you viewed it as time passed. Look for the opportunity in change, don’t
fear it! Here is a real-world scenario that a federal employee can relate to.
When we conduct a benefits review for an employee, one of the benefits
that we spend a lot of time with is the review of FEGLI optional
selections. When the employee has option B, we have found that the vast
majority are not aware of the negative changes that are going to take
place as they age. The premium will increase dramatically every five years