Page 16 - Orthofeed_Issue4_Feb2022
P. 16

Article 3

       Optical sensing addresses clinical needs in orthopedic

       surgery that are unmet

       Imaging  techniques  are  widely  used  in  knee
       replacement  surgeries  such  as,  infrared
       navigation, CT scanning, and endoscopy. These
       are tools used to assist orthopedic surgeons in
       surgical  planning  and  help  provide  visual
       assistance. However, the maximum capacity of
       optical sensing methods in orthopedic surgery is
       yet  to  be  explored.  Researchers  from  Ireland
       University  studied  the  potential  of  optical
       sensing in orthopedic surgical devices. 1, 2, 3

       Though,  multiple  options  of  optical  sensing
       methods are available, their use depends on the
       intended   purpose.   For   example,    optical
       coherence  tomography  (OCT)  is  preferred  for
       imaging  of  tissue  microstructures,  whereas
       Raman  spectroscopy  is  used  to  report  the                Figure 1. Optical tracking system used in orthopedic
                                                                                  surgical navigation.
       molecular signatures of a tissue. 1
       Surgeons benefit immensely from the visual cues provided from the optical sensor. The green light from the
       optical sensor indicates the usage of drill, thus identifying the correct bone zone. The warning light indicates a
       boundary such as collagen, blood, myelin, or lipids (Figure 1). 1, 3

       Though  multiple  challenges  exist  in  optical  sensors  integration,  there  are  vast  opportunities  and  along  with
       progression of technology, much scope is awaiting optical sensing methods. There is a need to do proper ground
       work upon this technique as it will improve the outcome in orthopedic surgeries and further integration with AI
       tools will help assist surgeons in making the surgical process easier. 1, 3

       The  integration  of  new  optical  sensing  methods  infused  in  surgical  tools  or  instrument  will  further  simplify
       knee/orthopedic surgery and will pave way for a new beginning in biomedical optics community. 2

       1) Emily Henderson B. Optical sensing can address unmet clinical needs in orthopedic surgery. 2022. Accessed February 22, 2022.

       2) Fisher C, Harty J, Yee A, et al. Perspective on the integration of optical sensing into orthopedic surgical devices. J Biomed Opt. 2022;27(1):010601.
       3) Optical sensing for orthopedic surgery. Published 2022. Accessed February 22, 2022.

       4) Mahfouz M, Kuhn M, To G, Fathy A. Integration of UWB and Wireless Pressure Mapping in Surgical Navigation. IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech. 2009;57(10):2550-2564.
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