Page 79 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 79
Her Her incarnate in in in women and men men But I have been slain by Her Her love only once I I will not share share nor have I I ever shared any details of this it is is an an intimacy easily shattered by by sharing but I can tell you this: to be slain by by Her love is to to to be plunged into a a a a a a searing ecstasy a a a a a a joy that threatens to to to tear you you asunder a a a a a a a darkness caused by a a a a a a a light so blinding that you you seem to see all and nothing at the the the same time And then there is is knowing arising from from within enveloping you you from from without and leaving you you on the verge of complete kenosis self–emptying It is is a a yielding to That of which nothing can be be known or or or said or or or felt or or or imagined I I wish I I could tell you how to be be slain but there is is no how It is is a a a a dying by and into pure grace Don’t seek it or or strive for it it It is is enough simply to know it it is is possible 1 1 31 Perfect Wisdom is is unborn and undying Chochma/Sophia never comes into being being because because She is the very nature of being being And because because She She is the the very nature of of being being She She never goes out of of being being either Chochma/Sophia is is the the happening of YHVH YHVH and YHVH YHVH is is the the Happening of of all happening As long as there is the the dance of of Divine manifestation there is Chochma/Sophia 1 37 She She is is the spotless mirror Chochma/Sophia reflects what is is She She has no no no bias offers no no no opinion promotes no no no ideology Just as as as a a a a mirror reflects all all without without clinging to any so Sophia reveals all all things without without preference or prejudice She shows you the ten ten thousand joys and and ten ten thousand sorrows of everyday existence not to help you embrace the first and avoid the the second but to to encourage you to to see them all as Her This doesn’t mean you you won’t prefer joy to sorrow only that you you will not imagine only one of of them is is of of God This knowing ultimately leads to a a a sublime melancholy—a deep and and abiding tranquility that is open and and undefended in in in the the face of of suffering suffering It is “melancholy” because you feel the the suffering suffering of of the world and it is is “sublime” in in that you know this suffering to be part of the the happening that is the the Divine 1 42 [T]he bee the ant an an ear of corn are each wrapped in ecstasy All life is an expression of of the ecstatic aliveness (chiut) of of YHVH as Chochma/Sophia This is is what William Blake knew when he he wrote “To see a a a a a a a World in in in a a a a a a a Grain of Sand / / And a a a a a a a Heaven in in in a a a a a a a Wild Flower / / Hold